This morning I was thankful for a husband who took over and made sure the boys got to school. Had a really rough night and day before with complications from surgery and who knows maybe the flu. Yesterday everything seemed bleak, amazing what a different outlook you can have after a couple of hours of good rest and sleep. Matt has been a real help and support and the first one to remind me, "are you sure you should be doing that? We can do it, go sit and rest". This all the while he is so busy at work and with the roof he must be exhausted. As Joe likes to say, "Yep, he's AMAZING like that".
Thankful for the opportunity to change, I forgot to be thankful yesterday and with each new day is the chance to change, to do better, to become better. What a wonderful gift.
I just have to add that I'm grateful for the great example Matt, Sr. is to his sons; I benefit daily from it. Don't tell him I said that, though.